Cool Berries has succeeded in commercializing the world’s first carbon neutral blueberries. This means that we are able to absorb a high % of our carbon emissions in many of our operations.

We have developed and implemented a series of regenerative farming techniques to optimize the collection of carbon in the form of plant and organic matter in the soil

At Cool Berries, we want to help drive change in the agricultural sector. Carbon neutral farming refers to agricultural processes that balance the emission and absorption of carbon from the atmosphere.

By 2025, our goal is to conduct all blueberry harvesting by mechanical means, making us a global benchmark in the production of high quality carbon neutral organic blueberries.


We use a range of sustainable agricultural practices that help to store carbon from the atmosphere in agricultural soils, prevent the greenhouse effect and improve farm productivity.

We are the largest producer of carbon neutral organic blueberries in Europe and only produce blueberries grown using regenerative farming practices.

Our farms are located in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain at low altitude and close to the sea. All our farms are surrounded by nature and lush Galician greenery, very close to forests and streams, where we have a temperate and humid oceanic climate but very variable throughout the year. It is important to note that in this area the sum of rainy days can be around 150 per year.


Regenerative agriculture blends sustainable innovation with tradition. We employ different agricultural practices that contribute to regenerating soil health and restoring soil biodiversity. We also contribute to the improvement of the water cycle, to greater carbon sequestration in the plant mass and to the ecosystem’s resilience to climate change.

We use a range of sustainable agricultural practices that help to store carbon from the atmosphere in agricultural soils, prevent the greenhouse effect and improve farm productivity.

We use a series of “regenerative agriculture” techniques to optimize carbon sequestration in our agricultural land. By applying these practices, we ensure that CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere and stored in the form of plant and organic material in the soil.

Some of the practices we are developing are cover crops, strip or corridor crops, natural windbreaks and, of course, organic farming.


We have obtained carbon neutrality certification in all our blueberry farms by Applus, which includes the largest organic blueberry farm in Europe (Galicia, Spain).

We are certified Carbon Neutral by an independent body such as Applus, which certifies that the volumes of C02 emitted are almost entirely absorbed, offsetting the footprint with other measures such as:

  • We have created a photovoltaic installation to rely on renewable energy sources. Our entire fleet of vehicles is electric.
  • We are implementing regenerative farming methods: cover, alley, street cropping to improve the health of our soils and capture more CO2 from the atmosphere.
  • We have renounced residue burning and now always chop pruning residues, giving back to the land what is its own
  • Organic farming, controlling water use, introducing native species; we are creating the enabling environment to maintain diversity and the environment.

Cool Berries we also have organic certification endorsed by the European Parliament through regulation R (EU) 2018/848. To obtain this certification we must meet a set of production standards throughout the entire process of cultivation, processing, packaging, storage and distribution.